Katework silkwear is available at:
Artemisia Artwear | Taos, NM
Piedmont Craftsmen | Winston-Salem, NC
Toe River Arts | Burnsville & Spruce Pine, NC
The Island Gallery | Bainbridge Island, WA
Toe River Arts Studio Tour, June 5-7, 2020
Studio #6 w/ Speckled Dog Pottery, Susan Feagin Ceramics
> Mitchell/Yancey County
On the Fringe Studio Sale, 2020 TBD
w/ Rick, Beck, Valerie Beck, Colin O’Reilly (glass), Suze Lindsay, Kent McLaughlin, Ken Sedberry, Galen Sedberry (clay), Pat Thibodeaux (jewelry), Gabe Pendley (metals)
> Beck Studio, Spruce Pine, NC
If interested in opening up a wholesale account, please contact for information.